Awareness Course: Registration, Testing, and Evaluation Guide

Instructors are responsible for ensuring that participants complete the following:

  1. Electronic registration form for each participant in attendance
  2. Electronic pre- and post-test for each participant in attendance
  3. Electronic evaluation for each participant in attendance

The following sections provide an overview of the tools used to collect the data during a course delivery.

Electronic Registration
The electronic registration form can be completed using any online device (desktop, tablet, or mobile phone).

Round light blue gradient at 10% opacity

Participants should continue and complete the registration form. The electronic registration process takes approximately 4 minutes. Allow participants time to complete the registration.

Electronic Pre- and Post-Test
The electronic pre- and post-tests can be completed using any online device (desktop, tablet, or mobile phone). The process to access and complete both the pre- and post-test is identical. Each test should be accessed when the appropriate slide is displayed during the course introduction and conclusion module.

Electronic Evaluation
The electronic evaluation can be completed using any online device (desktop, tablet, or mobile phone). The evaluation form is accessed using the “Course Evaluation” button displayed in the post-test score screen.